Advertising effectiveness and accountability top the chart in terms of media industry importance. As media options proliferate, media audiences fragment. Advertising budgets in most cases are not increased at a rate commensurate with this growth in advertising outlets. As a result, pressure mounts on media, especially on traditional options such as magazines, to demonstrate effectiveness. There are many stakeholders in this accountability quest. And while they may all want to achieve the same outcome and measure the same metrics, they aren’t all equally equipped to do that. Stakeholder #1 is the advertiser, the media buyer who wants “proof� that the advertising achieved its objective. The advertiser, for the most part, has the wherewithal to measure anything and everything. Advertisers can easily capture attitudinal measures. And, usually, they can directly measure or purchase information on a variety of behavioral measures, including sales. Stakeholder #2 is the media seller who want to provide proof that his/her medium is effective and has contributed to achieving the advertiser’s objectives. The seller, however, does not have access to the same data that the advertiser does. Left to their own devices to demonstrate media effectiveness, media sellers are limited to information they can gather from the people who see their media, such as readers.

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