Setting the scene: What’s new around the world
Symposium: 2009: Valencia, Session 1 - The Changing Scene
Authors: Meier, Erhard
Topics: General, Survey Descriptions
Time of transition: what’s happpening where?
Symposium: 2007: Vienna
Authors: Meier, Erhard
Topics: General, Survey Descriptions
Looking for best practice
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 1 - Opening- Session
Authors: Meier, Erhard
Organisations: Ipsos MediaCT
Topics: General, Survey Descriptions
What’s been happening and what’s new – twenty years of looking at readership research
Symposium: 2001: Venice, Session 1 - Maximising print in the planning process
Authors: Meier, Erhard
Organisations: Ipsos MediaCT
Topics: General, Survey Descriptions
Inconsistent readership claims – a british case study
Symposium: 1999: Florence, Session 3 - Enhancing Our Readership Methods Problems Revisited
Authors: Meier, Erhard
Organisations: RSL - Research Services Ltd
Topics: Readership Model
Whats new in readership research
Symposium: 1999: Florence, Session 2 - Where Are We Coming From
Authors: Meier, Erhard
Organisations: RSL - Research Services Ltd
Topics: General, Survey Descriptions
NRS response rates experiments and investigations
Symposium: 1997: Vancouver, Session 12 - Can Do It Better Technology
Authors: Meier, Erhard
Organisations: RSL - Research Services Ltd
Topics: Response Rates
Overview of current practice and what’s new
Symposium: 1997: Vancouver, Session 1 - Overview of Current Practice and Whats New
Authors: Meier, Erhard
Organisations: RSL - Research Services Ltd
Topics: General, Survey Descriptions
The response rates of the national readership survey
Symposium: 1995: Berlin, Session 5 - Response Rates
Authors: Meier, Erhard
Organisations: RSL - Research Services Ltd
Topics: Response Rates
Symposium: 1993: San Francisco, Session 4 - Screening and read to screen
Authors: Finch, Steven, Meier, Erhard
Organisations: RSL - Research Services Ltd
Topics: Data Collection, Questionnaire Design, Readership Model