Single-media plans are few and far between in most markets. Advertisers prefer multi-media campaigns, whose track-record and batteries of tests have proved superior. This performance gap is accounted for by the quantitative and qualitative complementarity between media: each media channel has its own audience (targets are complementary) and messages (impacts are also complementary). In order to assess the real effectiveness of a specific media campaign, the combined impacts of selected media must be calculated. Measurements of how effective a media plan is have integrated this requirement since they evaluate impact scores according to the extent and type of advertising exposure. Media planning, however, has remained fragmented: each media channel has its own dedicated teams and software, ruling out a global approach to performance.
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 6 - Print in a Multi Media World
Authors: Canquilhem, Jean-Francois, Schmutz, Bruno
Organisations: JFC
Topics: Advertising Effects, Inter-media Comparison