In the spring of 2002 MRI began a series of experiments that culminated with a large scale test of AIR measurement of consumer magazines via the internet. There were two basic objectives of this test. The first objective was to determine the level of readership and audience composition obtained via an internet based sample and data collection procedure. The second objective was to determine the impact of sample source, number of titles and stimuli composition within this sample and data collection context. An overall sample of 8800 respondents was distributed over a number of survey treatment combinations based on: sample source, number of titles, and type of stimuli presentation for screening. Two basic analyses of results are reported in this paper. First, screen-in and AIR levels are compared with results that are obtained with the MRI syndicated readership survey. Second, the impact of sample source, number of titles and mode of screen presentation are examined with respect to overall levels screen-in and reading.
Symposium: 2003: Cambridge, Massachusetts, Session 3 - Methodological Issues
Authors: Frankel, Martin, Galin, Michal, Leonard, Michelle
Organisations: Mediamark Research Inc
Topics: Data Collection, Inter-media Comparison