With the emergence of online media, a new media genre also comes into being. The rapid spread of the online market has already turned it into a mass medium. In the first half of 1999, 16.9 percent of the German population age 14 to 64 used online services or the Internet. This new mass medium also makes for an interesting advertising medium. By the year 2000, Germany is expected to become the most important online market for advertising in Europe. Online advertising media are expected to increase their turnover from DM 150 million today (1999) to DM 450 million by 2002. Nevertheless, online media’s share of advertising still remains small. Online advertising is estimated to make up a little less than 1 percent of the total advertising turnover in 2002. Current data on Internet consumption in Germany is either based on site centric measurements or on user centric measurements. Site centric measurements evaluate visits to a site, the logfile data. An example is IVW data (Informationsgemeinschaft für die Verbreitung von Werbeträgern) on visits and page impressions. This data only refers to contact numbers which hardly allows us to draw any conclusions about the size and composition of online audiences.

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