The ARF’s Ground Truth Initiative: Understanding the Neuroscience of Media Use
Symposium: 2015: London, Session 7 - Neuroscience
Authors: Fuguitt, Gayle, Stipp, Horst
Organisations: Advertising Research Foundation, Research & Innovation
Topics: Neuroscience, Passive Measurement
ARF’s research initiative for magazine measurement (RIMM)
Symposium: 1997: Vancouver, Session 2 - Politics International Developments
Authors: Samuels, Gabe
Organisations: Advertising Research Foundation
Topics: Industry Issues
Magazine audience measurement in the United States – a brief history and review of current methods
Symposium: 1981: New Orleans, Session 1 - Current Practices across the world
Authors: Banik, Douglas
Organisations: Advertising Research Foundation
Topics: General, Readership Model, Survey Descriptions