Quality of reach: researchers – headache, publishers- heartache and planners- toothache
Symposium: 1993: San Francisco, Session 10 - Fusion, modelling audience accumulation
Authors: Van Der Noort, Wim
Organisations: Cebuco, Interview NSS
Topics: Analysis Issues, Quality of Reading
Symposium: 1985: Salzburg, Session 7 - Qualitative Issues
Authors: Tchaoussoglou, Costa
Organisations: Cebuco
Topics: Page Exposure
From far-fetched ideal to pratical usefulness: towards a better definition of readership
Symposium: 1983: Montreal, Session 2 - Definitions and objectives of readership research
Authors: Tchaoussoglou, Costa, Van Vliet, Joop L
Organisations: Cebuco, RTV-Combinatie
Topics: Readership Model
Frequency scales and their use
Symposium: 1981: New Orleans, Session 4 - Frequency scales: their design and application
Authors: Tchaoussoglou, Costa, Van Vliet, Joop L
Organisations: Cebuco, RTV-Combinatie
Topics: Frequency of Reading