This paper will look at two similarly shaped surveys that were conducted on either side of the Atlantic. The 2000-2001 Opinion Leaders Survey [US] was conducted between May and September 2000. The first European Opinion Leaders Survey (EOLS) was conducted and published in 2000, and is being updated again this year with fieldwork spanning May to September, with results available in late October. The authors of this paper were responsible for the design and expediting of EOLS.
This paper will look at the comparative treatments of researching the most prominent and influential, or ‘the great and the good’ as they might be called, in Europe and the US. We will examine how EOLS has attempted to increase response rate from the first in the series to the second, while we will see how Opinion Leaders [US] achieves a 50+% response rate without seemingly devoting much effort to the issue. We will go on to look at how response rates compare for these surveys with others having broader universes in their respective regions.

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