Newspaper Readership: Further Investigation on Questionnaire Wording Related to Internet-published Newspapers and its Impact on Newspaper Audience Estimates
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 5 - Technical Problems and Solutions
Authors: Lindner, Gregg, Traub, Jane
Organisations: Scarborough Research Corporation
Topics: Multi-platform Measurement, Newspaper Measurement
Title confusion: the impact of response error on competitive pairs
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 5 - Technical Problems and Solutions
Authors: Baim, Julian, Frankel, Martin, Galin, Michal, McDonald, Scott
Organisations: Condé Nast Publications, Mediamark Research Inc
Topics: Questionnaire Design
Dazed and confused: the characteristics and behavior of title confused readers
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 5 - Technical Problems and Solutions
Authors: Frankel, Martin, Galin, Michal, McDonald, Scott
Organisations: Condé Nast Publications, Mediamark Research Inc
Topics: Questionnaire Design
Quality of print media research – title load per respondent measures to reduce the interview lenght per respondet
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 5 - Technical Problems and Solutions
Authors: Walter, Michael
Organisations: Gruner + Jahr AG & Co
Topics: Questionnaire Design
The personalised media list in practice
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 5 - Technical Problems and Solutions
Authors: Page, Katherine
Organisations: Ipsos MediaCT
Topics: Passive Measurement, Questionnaire Design
Daily reach for dailies – it all started with a phone call
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 5 - Technical Problems and Solutions
Authors: Callius, Peter
Organisations: Research International
Topics: Newspaper Measurement
The war project. A small step up the ARF media research ladder, a giant step forward in magazine planning
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 5 - Technical Problems and Solutions
Authors: Couvreur, Veronique, Hermie, Patrick, Lanckriet, Trui, Lansloot, Koen
Organisations: Sanoma Magazines
Topics: Fusion and Modelling, Readership Model
An improved method of collecting and processing readership data
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 5 - Technical Problems and Solutions
Authors: Masson, Peter J, Sumner, Paul
Organisations: Bucknull & Masson
Topics: Data Collection, Fusion and Modelling, Readership Model
Specific issue readership measurement, part ii
Symposium: 2005: Prague, Session 5 - Technical Problems and Solutions
Authors: Van Meerem, Leendert
Organisations: gfk Intomart
Topics: Readership Model