Cost Efficient Strategy for Advertising ROI
Symposium: 2013: Nice, Session 3 - Who Gets the Credit? Moderator: Gayle Fuguitt
Authors: Kilger, Max, Romer, Ellen
Organisations: Experian Marketing Services
Topics: Advertising Effects, Return on Investment - see also Advertising Effects
Better Representing Print Magazines in ROI Analysis
Symposium: 2013: Nice, Session 3 - Who Gets the Credit? Moderator: Gayle Fuguitt
Authors: Collins, James, Freisner, Randy
Organisations: GfK MRI, The Martin Agency
Topics: Accountability – see Return on Investment and Advertising Effects, Advertising Effects, Page Exposure, Return on Investment - see also Advertising Effects
Influence Metric and Holistic Consumer Behavior Measurements
Symposium: 2013: Nice, Session 3 - Who Gets the Credit? Moderator: Gayle Fuguitt
Authors: Kimelfeld, Yaakov, Phansalkar, Amit
Organisations: Millward Brown Digital
Topics: Advertising Effects
The Incremental Impact of Cross-Media Campaigns
Symposium: 2013: Nice, Session 3 - Who Gets the Credit? Moderator: Gayle Fuguitt
Authors: Amand, Charles-Emmanuel, Callewaert, Gerd, Gunst, Bart, Van der Steichel, Antoon, Van Goethem, Ruben
Organisations: Corelio, Ipsos
Topics: Advertising Effects, Inter-media Comparison
Tablet Magazine Advertising: the Opportunity
Symposium: 2013: Nice, Session 3 - Who Gets the Credit? Moderator: Gayle Fuguitt
Authors: Cleveland, Britta, Galin, Michal, Slaten, Jana, Veith, Valerie
Organisations: GfK MRI, Meredith Corporation
Topics: Advertising Effects, Tablets and e-readers – readership on