Breaking and making: A new measurement service for the British published media
Symposium: 2015: London, Session 1 - Hard Choices: Can we still Afford Quality?
Authors: Page, Katherine
Organisations: National Readership Survey, GB
Topics: Duplication between platforms/print, Multi-platform Measurement, Single source, Survey Descriptions
Building a New Mixed Mode Cross-Platform Canadian Audience Measurement
Symposium: 2015: London, Session 1 - Hard Choices: Can we still Afford Quality?
Authors: Chan, Peter, Williams, Don, Wood, Mark
Organisations: Amalco, TNS
Topics: Internet (as data collection tool), Multi-platform Measurement, Survey Descriptions
Passive Readership Measurement, A new hope?
Symposium: 2015: London, Session 1 - Hard Choices: Can we still Afford Quality?
Authors: Saint-Joanis, Gilbert
Organisations: Audipresse
Topics: Duplication between platforms/print, Passive Measurement
The Theory of Everything for Media Measurement
Symposium: 2015: London, Session 1 - Hard Choices: Can we still Afford Quality?
Authors: Ferrari, Flavio, Herranz, Silvia
Organisations: Ipsos Brazil
Topics: Industry Issues, Multi-platform Measurement
We have built it – and they are finally coming!
Symposium: 2015: London, Session 1 - Hard Choices: Can we still Afford Quality?
Authors: Callius, Peter, Masson, Peter J, Svanfeld, Stefan
Organisations: Bucknull & Masson, comScore, TNS Sifo
Topics: Business Models, Inter-media Comparison, Multi-platform Measurement