The news business model conundrum
Symposium: 2017: Madrid, Session 2: Will Readers Pay for Quality? Business Models and Threats
Authors: Vir, Jason
Organisations: Kantar Media
Topics: Business Models
Demonstrating the Value of Subscription Sources
Symposium: 2017: Madrid, Session 3: Monetising Engagement
Authors: Becker, Risa, Galin, Mickey, Jacobs, Lori
Organisations: Gfk, Time Inc.
Topics: Business Models
We have built it – and they are finally coming!
Symposium: 2015: London, Session 1 - Hard Choices: Can we still Afford Quality?
Authors: Callius, Peter, Masson, Peter J, Svanfeld, Stefan
Organisations: Bucknull & Masson, comScore, TNS Sifo
Topics: Business Models, Inter-media Comparison, Multi-platform Measurement