AMP: print and digital measurement
Symposium: 2017: Madrid, Session 4: Innovations in Currencies from Around the World
Authors: Page, Katherine, Vannini, Luca
Organisations: PamCo
Topics: Data Collection, Duplication between platforms/print, Electronic Measurement, Internet audiences / measurement - see also Multi-Platform Measurement, Multi-platform Measurement, Survey Descriptions
Comparing claimed and passive publisher data
Symposium: 2017: Madrid, Session 5: Are Passive Census Measures Always Right?
Authors: Collins, Sandra, Farrer, Neil, Ponomarev, Andrey
Organisations: Ipsos MORI
Topics: Data Collection, Duplication between platforms/print, Electronic Measurement, Multi-platform Measurement, Passive Measurement, Validity
Breaking and making: A new measurement service for the British published media
Symposium: 2015: London, Session 1 - Hard Choices: Can we still Afford Quality?
Authors: Page, Katherine
Organisations: National Readership Survey, GB
Topics: Duplication between platforms/print, Multi-platform Measurement, Single source, Survey Descriptions
Passive Readership Measurement, A new hope?
Symposium: 2015: London, Session 1 - Hard Choices: Can we still Afford Quality?
Authors: Saint-Joanis, Gilbert
Organisations: Audipresse
Topics: Duplication between platforms/print, Passive Measurement